spirit up

Client: KFC w/ Brixton Finishing School
Agency: 1000heads
Creatives: Sergio Lopez, Mitchel Adu, Qian Shu, Addassa Uter, Tiyah Rowe, Ya’eesh G.
Leading up to the christmas adidas runners is and has been a space for people to connect through their love of running.

Young people(Gen-Z), currently face a lack of third-spaces to connect in.
after the recent closure of the adidas shoreditch studio, both groups are looking for a home. 

adidas will be a pioneer in uniting gen-z with a mobile hub, connecting all of london accross the river thames
Thus - where even the scroogiest of scrooge


A mentoship programme and space for young people, to explore running, expressing themselve the best way they know how, by being creative.

Promoted through various media, and partnerships.

- Promotion through selected BIG FISH

- UGC for their application (ADULT SWIM)

- Partnership with London Boroughs  (Lambeth, Camden, etc)

- In app content (Masterclasses)
Our ethos - Everyone is a creative and running is for everyone.